Travel’s Serendipitous Surprises

Often (sometimes multiple times a day) something unexpected and special takes me by surprise when traveling through Japan. Out of curiosity, I’d gone to Jizo Dori mainly to check out the “Harajuku for grandmothers” and “aka pantsu.” Continue reading

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An Unforgettable Christmas

That year snow began falling during the Christmas Eve service. Afterwards, groups of men worked to shove each car through the nearly 12 inches of heavy white stuff. Fortunately a snow plow had passed along the Island Highway while we were inside church, and carloads filled with excitement-crazed children made their way home without too much difficulty at the end of the service. Continue reading

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Ho! Ho! Ho! & Happy Humbug!

Greater Victoria, my new home-city, goes all out during the Christmas season. The Legislature Buildings, Government House, Empress Hotel, Butchart Gardens, as well as numerous local establishments light up. Carolers wander the downtown streets and musicians perform in various plazas.  One evening a huge fleet of transport trucks lights up and roars through the city in an amazing show; another sees a flotilla of brightly lit boats in a sail past.

Indoors, venues feature elegant garlands, wreaths, trees, and offer craft fairs, delectable food and entertainment. It’s a city of constant concerts and theatrical shows which are conveniently listed in glossy holiday guides.

I always decorate early (First Advent) and take down late (Epiphany). My tree is up, and the crèche displayed on the sill of a leaded glass window that very conveniently has a rosette over the manger.

My new tree in my 6.5 x 10′ living room.

In addition to my own vast collection of Christmas carols, offerings from the CBC’s classical Christmas stream play constantly.

As the days get gloomier, it’s gratifying to defy the night with light and song. (The northern ancients knew what they were about when they created Yule, the Saturnalia and other similar festivals. Thank heaven the church had the sense to steal from them when they saw austerity and penance weren’t working!)

This year I’ve added a 90-minute horse-drawn carriage ride beside the sea, through Beacon Hill Park and into downtown to my personal celebrations. If I bring the bubbly Victoria Carriage Tours supplies the ice-bucket, the glasses and warm blankets.

Since no one was interested in joining me, I will go solo. More bubbly for me! I reject the notion that Christmas is for children or not worth celebrating if you live alone. No matter what time of year, I’ve never let that stop me from creating beauty, comfort and joy. Bring on the Ho! Ho! Ho! And even the Happy Humbug!

Disclosure: Part of this content previously appeared in a comments thread.

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Not so Hot: Trying to Stay Warm under the Kotatsu

Kotatsu photo credit to Pinterest


What’s not to love about Japan? Plenty. Like any other nation and culture it has flaws and problems galore.  Even though I don’t have blinkers on, my purpose in writing about my journeys and adventures in Japan is not to criticize but chronicle my experience.

I admit it: There are selective omissions in what I write. Occasionally however, I disclose what I don’t get, what I can’t appreciate and why.

One of those things I don’t appreciate but is dearly beloved by every Japanese person I’ve met is the kotatsu. Click here to read why not.

To celebrate five years of blogging, this post links to previous content from The Way of Words.Your comments are always appreciated.

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Alone and Homeless in Tokyo

Even though I had no language skills and in spite of an acute sense of terror, I plunged into Tokyo with bravado, determined to find my way around and make a success of my solo, 33-day adventure in Japan. Continue reading

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Why Japan?

People often ask me: Why Japan? What’s so special about Japan that I return again and again? Continue reading

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A Word for Leonard Cohen


Photo used in accordance with Restrictions on Use of Materials. © 2012 Channel Zero Inc. All rights reserved.


There’s a blaze of light
In every word…

From “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen


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Tourist or Traveler: Which are You?

A great deal of self-identity and judgment from others is related to what we do. Travel is no exception.  Suddenly, we belong to that tribe which embarks and disembarks along with us. Like them, we drag suitcases or packs around on one form of transport after another. Continue reading

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Happy Anniversary: Five years at the Way of Words

Oh! What hours of transport we shall spend! And when we do return, it shall not be like other travelers, without being able to give one accurate idea of anything. We will know where we have gone—we will recollect what we have seen. … Let our first effusions be less insupportable than those of the generality of travelers.

From Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Everyman © 1996, p 116. Continue reading

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Nai tokoro: the not state or place

As I turned the calendar to a new month a few days ago, it occurred to me that had anyone told me five months back that I would move to Victoria before the year was out; I would have considered it a joke of the day. April Fool! Continue reading

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