When the Usual ‘Normal’ Isn’t How It’s Done

Something I noticed while travelling in Japan is how much I am a creature of habit, doing commonplace things on auto-pilot much of the time. In an environment where my normal way of doing things doesn’t work as I expect it to, I am surprised by how long it takes to adapt. Sometimes I don’t. Some things I never adjusted to while travelling in Japan. Continue reading

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Rambling a Little Off the Usual Track

This morning I attended a New York Metropolitan Opera performance of Tannhäuser broadcast in HD at my local Cineplex Odeon. Fabulous music. The story, however, has not stood the test of time. Probably because there isn’t much to the conflict. That and periods of instrumental music devoid of any stage action to develop the plot. It’s in the music which is wicked-gorgeous but long. Well, it is Wagner, but he’s not the only one to write that way. Continue reading

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10 Reasons to Love Japan Wireless

JapanWireless-logo Continue reading

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Tedorigawa Yoshida: The Birth of Saké


Tedorigawa  LGPhoto

My friends Kanako and Masahiro have invited me to their new apartment for dinner after a busy day sightseeing together. I tag along while they shop. One of our stops is Masahiro’s suggestion. A place to purchase regional Nihonshu or rice wine. Continue reading

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Postcard 15: Another Fuji-sama View

My relationship with Fuji-sama is special. As I knew I would pass it on my first trip to Japan in 1998, I longed to see Japan’s sacred mountain from the Shinkansen. However, all that day haze obscured much of any view. Close up, the towns and houses galloped by. No distant hills were visible at all. Continue reading

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Postcard 14: Last View of Japan 2015

Last view of Japan 2015

Last view of Japan 2015

Waiting to depart at the free WIFI bar at KIX. Enjoying the view of planes taking flight and letting my words fly through the ether to family and friends. Sayonara Nippon!



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Postcard 13: Saying Goodnight to Japan

From the  New Osaka Hotel’s 13th floor Belle Vue restaurant the sun drops behind the smoke-blue hills. Slowly the threads of gold and orange hanging over a blue-gray world fade into ink and indigo.

Indigo night Like a great blanket of shibori cloth, pricks of illumination and reflection dot the night. Continue reading

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Postcard 12: Another Sign

Be Radiance

It’s hard to argue with that. Certainly no need to explain it. Live it. That’s all. Continue reading

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Postcard 11: The Smallest Things

City Rail Lines

I don’t usually post live. I also don’t usually post half way into a half bottle of wine. However. Continue reading

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Postcard 10: Riding and Driving the Shinkansen

Cherry blossoms, Shinkansen (Bullet Train), and Fuji-san

Unknown Photo Source







This morning I took the JR Shinkansen to Nagoya and switched trains to Kinjofuto, the end of the Aonami line right, across from the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park. That has a fantastic collection of JR’s finest railway transport together with superb explanations of the technology behind the system dating back to its original bus. I’m no train geek, but I could get the bug. Machinery is sexy. Even sexier after I win the chance to drive the Shinkansen training simulator. Continue reading

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