The Beautiful Begats

Arvo Pärt has long been a favourite composer. In honour of his 80th birthday on this day, the Tallis Scholars, a favourite choir, have released “Which Was the Son of …” a tribute from their latest album Tintinnabuli on YouTube and Vimeo. Continue reading

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A Week before Departure

This is the first time I’ll venture abroad with a tablet computer.  It’s hard to believe, but in 2007 I travelled hands free. No phone. No handbag. Everything (wallet, passport, packet of tissues, notebook, pen and lip gloss) fit into 5 coat pockets.  All I can say is that it better be worth lugging the extra pounds around for 25 days. Continue reading

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Ready for takeoff!

All my bags are packed. I’m ready to go. I’m standing here outside your door—well actually your inbox or your search engine results—and I’m anything but lonesome. Though I might be so happy I could cry. I’m leaving on a jet plane. Continue reading

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A Toast to Natural Gifts and Elegant Triumphs

I won’t bother with the backstory of getting fabric for an incredibly frustrating project. It’s simply too tedious to type except to say that pure pig-headedness, one of my natural gifts, prevailed. Continue reading

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Happy 170!

Today’s musings mark one hundred seventy posts. As the number ends in a zero, I thought why not celebrate a little? Continue reading

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Vancouver Ikebana 50th Anniversary Spring Show

Driving west towards Kingsway along 10th Avenue I was surprised by a throbbing roar from behind. Continue reading

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A Victoria Vacay

Recently I took a little vacay to Victoria. It remains a favourite get-away spot for several reasons. Continue reading

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Scenic Spots in Japan

Japan Today (online) runs a feature called “Have Your Say” where readers are invited to respond to questions. Today’s question asks: What do you think are some of the most beautiful scenic spots in Japan? Continue reading

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Dolled up or Dressed down: Beautiful!

I’m glad I didn’t realize at the outset that professional makeup artist Judy Doduk of  Judy D Beauty expected me to “own the room” before we started. Continue reading

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MoshiMoshi Nippon #18: Tokyo Ginki

Please note: The content of this post is the sole property of JIBTV. It may not be reproduced in any way without consent and is posted here with permission of JIBTV. 


The central subject of MoshiMoshi Nippon #18 is Tokyo-Ginki, the silver craft of Kazuo Kamikawa, a 10th-generation silver artisan who inherited the name “Sosho” from his father. Continue reading

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